Immediate Needs Fighting Lowered Lake Levels
Lake Conroe residents and businesses are needed NOW. We know you have been inundated with information and requests, but we’re only 42 days away from SJRA’s vote on lake lowering…..we’re gaining positive momentum in the fight…..and now is not the time to rest.
PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION TO GOVERNOR ABBOTT. No one has more influence on this lake level reduction than Governor Abbott. He needs to hear from us. We currently have 1375 signatures with a goal of exceeding 5,000 by February. Help us help you and sign today. Use this link:
PLEASE WRITE LETTERS AND SEND E-MAILS. Still haven’t written? Take a few moments and get it off your “to do list”. Opinions in volume from residents and businesses make a difference.
PLEASE ATTEND THE JANUARY 21, 2020 PUBLIC MEETING AT THE LONE STAR CONVENTION CENTER. With seating for 1,000, we need to fill the venue with a “sea of red tee shirts” in unified opposition to the renewal of SJRA’s lake level reduction program. Our words can not replace your support by being in the audience.
YES, THE LCA WILL HAVE AN ORGANIZED PRESENTATION. People have questioned “Am I just going to hear from a bunch of people who can’t get their boat out or whose Kingwood homes were flooded?”. While all community input is valuable, the LCA’s presentation will focus on 1) providing THE FACTS that lowering Lake Conroe by two feet DOES NOT stop flooding in Kingwood, 2) business owners describing how lowered lake levels have injured their business, and 3) how Montgomery County’s economy (including tax collection) is damaged by lowered lake levels.
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS: Please open the link and tell us how lowered lake levels have impacted you. We’ve created a simple, on-line method to “tell your story”. Documenting economic impact on your business, home, or boat beats any generalization that “businesses and homes are being damaged”.
All relevant information on the STOP THE DROP program and how you can help can be found at
Thanks, in advance, for your support.
Mike Bleier, President
Lake Conroe Association