Thank you for your support!
LCA President’s Update – December 14, 2022
I want to thank everyone for their recent donations to combat the significant and previously growing Hydrilla infestation. We reached our goal of $75,000 and just provided a check to the SJRA for our half of the cost of their recent spraying program. The donations to the LCA came from many people and several individuals made major contributions – thank you to all!
Since our September newsletter the growth in Hydrilla in the latest survey was effectively stopped at the 250 acre level – the same level as existed in September. The Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) did exhaust their supply of ProcellaCOR which is specially designed to eliminate Hydrilla. We then looked to the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) to use their supply of ProcellaCOR and purchase additional supplies up to the $75,000 mutually agreed LCA commitment. Partnership worked!
Your questions and concerns about Lake Levels – you may have noticed a number of recent posts in social media claiming intentional water releases from Lake Conroe due to various construction projects These are all false. The very low lake levels are due almost entirely to the lack of rainfall over the summer due to modest drought and normal evaporation. There have been no water releases due the seasonal lake lowering program (SLLP) in 2022 due largely to the compromise agreement struck last Fall between the LCA, SJRA and multiple other parties. Also, credit should go to the City of Houston (CoH) Public Works Department who did not call for any SLLP releases in 2022 due the impact of the drought on lake levels. The lake did reach its lowest 2022 level in mid-November of 198.4 feet which is 2.6 feet below normal pool. Levels below 199 feet start to cause numerous problems for residents and lake users. We are thankful there were no SLLP releases due to the 2022 SLLP compromise. This would have caused levels of up to 3.5 feet below normal. Recent rains have brought the lake back up over 1 foot.
2023 SLLP Program Meetings – this afternoon the LCA will meet with representatives from the SJRA, CoH, and several representatives from the Kingwood / Humble area for the first time in 2022 to discuss the 2023 SLLP program. As in 2022 we will look to eliminate or significantly reduce any arbitrary lake releases due to SLLP. We will update the LCA community after New Years on status and offer a public discussion at our LCA Annual General Meeting (see below)
Save the date – the LCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on January 20, 2023, at 10AM. Location to be determined and further details will be provided by January 13.
New LCA Board members – we are soliciting for up to four new LCA Board members – please send your questions or express your interest to
Kevin Lacy – LCA President