In ourDecember 14, 2021,President’s update I provided some general information about the compromise agreement regarding the SLLP that was reached between the Lake Conroe Association (LCA) […]
My last President’s letter was in August and the delay in providing an update was due to developments regarding the Seasonal Lake Lowering Program (SLLP). These […]
One month ago, Lake Conroe was at 201.3′ above msl, approximately 5″above normal pool. Despite SLLP releases in the Spring, for the first time since 2018, […]
The Lake Conroe Association provides this letter to inform the City of Houston City Council members on matters that are critical to your future water supplies […]
Facts, perseverance, and reasonable patience…… I want to start by thanking all Lake Conroe residents and LCA members for their words of encouragement and their donations […]