Please Donate and Invest in the Future of Lake Conroe
Lake Conroe area businesses and residents, this is a call from the Lake Conroe Association (LCA) to you for donations to replenish our reserve fund so that we can see the newly filed Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) complaint effort through to completion. So why donate?
Last Fall and in early 2020, the LCA acted as the main organizer of many individual residents and HOA’s in fighting the continuation of the SJRA Seasonal Lake Lowering Program (SLLP). Many residents have called for legal action in the courts and that option was fully considered by the LCA. During two lengthy meetings the LCA considered multiple courses of action and subsequently voted to proceed with extensive legal research to decide the best course of action.
The research effort produced a 160-page document that concluded not only was the SLLP program without precedent in Texas water rights management, the SLLP likely violated many requirements of the TCEQ. These requirements involve responsibly managing and reporting water use as well as prohibitions against waste of fresh water supply. The violations were significant and warranted action. On behalf of Lake Conroe’s well-being and area residents, we filed a complaint with the TCEQ on June 30, 2020. For more detailed information regarding the TCEQ complaint or the SJRA Sunset Review go to our website.
Your donation will help replenish the LCA reserve fund. The LCA expended $15,000 on “Stop the Drop” efforts for advertising, web services, petitions, and printing as well as for the Bleyl engineering study. Since then the LCA incurred another $50,000 for legal research, retention of technical experts, and filing of the TCEQ complaint. The LCA has historically maintained a reserve fund to move quickly into action when a problem occurs, and we then subsequently call on residents to replenish the reserve fund.
Since 1977, the LCA’s mission has been to protect the unique resources of Lake Conroe and to serve as the organized voice for residents to coordinate and support entities that protect the lake’s resources and facilitate safe use of the lake. On more than a few occasions, the LCA has organized efforts to eliminate or minimize threats to the lake from aquatic, commercial, or political species. We are volunteers who love Lake Conroe. We believe our past efforts and results merit confidence and trust.
Our revamped website can now take credit card donations, or you can still mail a check to the address below. Please donate what you can to ensure that when our water resources are threatened there is a well-organized and adequately funded Lake Conroe Association to serve and protect those resources.
As a reminder the LCA is a non-profit (501(c)(3) corporation and donations should qualify as tax deductible. We have no paid staff or overhead. The LCA is totally an all-volunteer organization.
Thank You for Your Support,
Kevin Lacy
President of the Lake Conroe Association and on Behalf of the LCA Board
LCA website address for online donations is:
For donations via check please send to – Lake Conroe Association P.O. Box 376 Willis, Texas 77378