The Lake Conroe Association is encouraging all area residents to provide comments by email, survey, or letter, regarding the Sunset Review of the San Jacinto River Authority. See the links at the bottom of this page to follow through with your comments.
Attached by link directly below you will find the LCA's comments to the Sunset Commission which were submitted July 29th, a letter from Texas State Representative Will Metcalf encouraging comments from residents, a two page summary of the LCA concerns with the SJRA Self Evaluation and finally a link to the full self evaluation prepared by the SJRA and submitted to the Sunset Review Commission Sept. 2019.
Under the Texas Sunset Act, an agency under review can be abolished or have some of its functions transferred to another agency if the Legislature deems that doing so will improve efficiency or effectiveness. To date over 85 agencies have been abolished or consolidated.
Supporting Documents:
- SJRA Sunset Review - LCA Comments
- Texas State Rep, Will Metcalf - Letter to Residents
- LCA Short Summary - SJRA Self Assessment
- San Jacinto River Authority SER
The Sunset process has three stages. First, Sunset staff will evaluate SJRA, seek public input, and issue a report recommending solutions to problems found. Second, the Sunset Commission will hold two public meetings: a hearing on the staff report and the authority, and a decision meeting to adopt recommendations to the Legislature based on the report and public comments. Third, the Legislature will convene in January 2021 and will consider Sunset’s statutory recommendations in a Sunset bill for SJRA. Please see the schedule below.
Here are several ways to provide comments and suggestions to Sunset staff on SJRA’s mission, operations, and services:
- Complete the online survey at
- Submit comments online at
- Send a letter to Sunset Advisory Commission, Attn: SJRA, P.O. Box 13066, Austin, Texas 78711
- Call (512) 463-1300 to speak to Alan Leonard, project manager of the SJRA review
Please provide your comments by August 14, 2020 to ensure Sunset staff can fully consider your input while conducting their review. Comments submitted before the staff report is published in November 2020 will remain confidential.
For full information please visit and the SJRA overview located at
Donations to LCA
If you would like to support Lake Conroe Association, please consider joining as a member or donating.